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Search Engine Optimization

The technology age and the advent of the internet have dramatically changed the buying habits of consumers and the way businesses promote and sell their products. The ease of access to information on the web opened a whole new range of options for the average user and changed the business landscape.

The internet became a veritable arena of products, services, ideas and businesses competing for the internet users' time, attention and money. The shift to online marketing turned the search engine results pages into a new marketplace for businesses and consumers.

The need of businesses for strong online presence gave rise to a marketing discipline now popularly known as search engine optimization or SEO. SEO refers to the strategic development or enhancement of a website to increase organic traffic through search engines.

Visibility and high ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) are necessities in today's competitive and internet-driven environment. Search engine optimization involves the use of several techniques to raise a website's page rank on the SERPs and drive quality traffic to a site.

An SEO campaign is directed at unpaid or natural searches that may include local search, image and video search, news search, academic search, or specialty search.

Because of the many technicalities involved in implementing search engine optimization campaigns, most companies hire the services of a digital marketing specialist.

Conduct an SEO audit to identify missing or broken links, missing titles, irrelevant or insufficient content, slow-loading pages, and other possible problems that prevent the website from getting higher page ranking.

Create original, unique, relevant, interesting and compelling content that aim to increase site traffic, engage users on the site, and increase a website's quality scores and page ranking on major search engines.

Optimize a website to make it mobile-friendly and provide great user experience for those who are using their smartphones to access the web. This was made mandatory in recent search engine updates.

Optimize the technical elements of a website to make it more user-friendly.

  • Optimize a website to make it mobile-friendly and provide great user experience for those who are using their smartphones to access the web. This was made mandatory in recent search engine updates.

Build links within the website to allow easy navigation, establish information structure, and spread relevance and traffic to other web pages.

Develop quality backlinks on relevant sites to promote product and website awareness and increase a website's quality scores and page rank.

Build links within the website to allow easy navigation, establish information structure, and spread relevance and traffic to other web pages.

Get the site listed on legitimate directories to increase its exposure and increase its page ranking.

Boost SEO and page rank with the strategic use of social media sites.

Meta Keywords, Description and Robots tags
Title Tags
Body Text
The first sentence in the body text and the first words used per sentence

The H1 and H2 Texts
Same Site Link Texts
Same-Site Link URLs
Outbound Link Text
IMG Alt Tags
Keyword Density

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